Selahaddin Eyyubi
Selahaddin Eyyubi : Season 1 – Episode – 3
Turkish series drama ”Selahaddin Eyyubi” is about a different story of the The Conquerer of Jerusalem. Turkish Searis, Urdu, Bangla Subtitled Enjoy this series absolutely free, MixBard Play, entertainment is ALWAYS ON here.
Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi : The life of Muslim ruler Saladin and he conquered Jerusalem. Furthermore, it focuses on his battles against the Crusaders and his goal to unite the Muslim territories of Syria, northern Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt under his rule.
Selahaddin Eyyubi
Abu Nasir Salahuddin Yusuf ibn Ayyub (1137/1138 – 4 March 1193) or (popular name in Bengali) Salahuddin Ayyubi was the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. He is known as ‘Saladin’ in the West. He was of Kurdish ethnicity. He led the Muslim resistance against European crusaders in Syria. At the height of his power his sultanate included Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, the Hejaz, Yemen and other parts of North Africa. Saladin’s youth was like ten other youths of his time. Salahuddin did more or less whatever 20-year-olds in the army did at that time. However, it is not our intention to mention them because if one repents of the past it is better to suppress them. If he repented for the sins committed during that period, then they should not be mentioned. Nor should we consider our youth ‘forever bad’ for the mistakes they made at 20-25. Maybe they will repent and start a new chapter in life like Salahuddin.
The rise of Sultan Salahuddin is attributed to his uncle. His uncle was one of the commanders of the army of Nuruddin Zengki, the head of Zengki Empire. Nuruddin Zenki was heavily involved in the restoration of Palestine and Baitul Maqdis. Salah al-Din Ayyubi later received most of the initiative, planning and encouragement to march towards Bait al-Maqdis from Nur al-Din. Nuruddin had only one goal in his mind, heart and mind—to rescue Baitul Maqdis. He wanted to see Palestine and Baitul Maqdis free and independent. Nuruddin could not see Baitul Maqdis free during his lifetime, but one of his army officers – Salahuddin Ayyubi – made it free following his dream.
He sowed the seeds of dreams, and Salahuddin nurtured the trees that sprouted from the seeds and brought the fruits of the trees. We too must dream, like Nuruddin Zengki. Many people think, what can we do to liberate Palestine? I say – ‘Dream.’ Maybe you can’t do anything, but fix a ‘vision’. Be a dreamer like Nuruddin. Work to leave a strong foundation for our next generation. You may not be there, but while you are, go as far as you can with the banner and torch of Baitul Maqdis rescue. Be a role model for the next generation. May they follow the path of your dreams like Salahuddin.
Baitul Maqdis from an army officer is powerful enough to decide the victory, that is, how did Salahuddin become the Sultan? Let’s say that story – Fatimid Empire was in Egypt then, religiously they were Ismaili Shia. They founded the Fatimid Empire centered in Cairo. It should be noted that the people of this Ismaili sect, essentially the Fatimid Empire, were declared infidels by Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (RA) and all other Sunni Ulama. This is the historical fact, they were considered non-Muslims by the Sunni Ulama. He used to say – this sultanate is the sultanate of infidels. So, there was a civil war going on between these Fatimids, and on the other side was the invasion of the Crusaders. As a result, the Fatimids requested the Zenki Empire—
Hey brother, listen! Put aside our differences now. We need your help against the Crusaders and other forces. Help us.’
Believe it or not, the Sunni Zenkis agreed to help the Ismaili Shia Sultanate of Fatimids. But it was a light-hearted exchange. That is, we have to position ourselves in important parts of your state. The Fatimid Treaty was agreed. Saladin’s uncle marched to Egypt, resolved the issue. Then gradually the ministers of the Genki Empire became part of the Fatimid Empire. In this case something happened, which history has not resolved. Important figures of the Fatimid Empire continued to die one after another, which contributed to the expansion of the Zenki Empire. How these things should be presented, is not known. These deaths continued one after the other, as a result of which Salahuddin himself was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Fatimid Sultanate. What a strange thing, right? The Fatimids were Ismaili Shiites, disobeying the Abbasids. Salahuddin Ayyubi of the Sunni sect became the chief vizier of the Fatimid Empire. Such is the flow of history, Allah’s will is always effective. At that time, who did these things, how they did it – these are big mysteries! But it is understandable at whom the fingers are pointing.
As the chief vizier of the Fatimid Empire, Salahuddin Ayyubi did not give the Sunni Abbasid caliph, but swore allegiance to the Fatimid caliph. He said – ‘I promise to sustain the Fatimid dynasty.’ Thus basically he became a citizen of the Fatimid Empire. He did not accept Ismaili Shiism, but was Sunni; Obedience to the Fatimid Caliphs. Think about it, if a Shaykh was asked about Salahuddin Ayyubi – ‘What is the fatwa about the person who renounced his allegiance to the Sunni Abbasid Caliph and became the chief vizier of the Fatimids?’ This is the ‘Politics vs Fatwa’ situation, I am highlighting these aspects of Salahuddin’s life. So that you learn reality, your horizon of thought expands. So that you understand, no angel as powerful as Gabriel will come to liberate Baitul Maqdis, no human being should be the leader of such an expedition. To save Baitul Maqdis we need Salahuddin Ayyubid, we need such politicians and military leaders. He will do what politicians and warriors are required to do.
Saladin was now the chief vizier of the Fatimid Empire. They try to kill him, he does the same in revenge. Any man in his position would have taken such a step, it would have been said by people who wanted to kill him. This is politics. Thus, slowly but surely, he continued to strengthen his foothold in the Fatimid Empire. He initiated the Sunniization of Fatimid Ismaili Egypt. Fatemira used to say ‘Haiya Alal Khairil Amal’ instead of ‘Haiya Alal Falah’ in Azan. They had various Shia festivals—such as Ashura or Ghadeer Kum. To change this situation, Salahuddin Ayyubi brought the ulama of the Sunni region to Egypt and established the Nizamiya madrasa. Under the influence of Ulemas, Madrasahs of the Nizamiya style, ‘Haiya Alal Khairil Amal’ became ‘Haiya Alal Falah’. Egypt was thus freed from Ismaili Shiism, and Saladin’s influence and power were strengthened.
Once in power, he made a coup in Egypt and established his own control over the state. The main mosque in Cairo used to deliver sermons in the name of Fatimi Caliph. This was the earlier rule – the name of the Caliph had to be mentioned in the Friday and Eid sermons in the mosque. Throughout the Muslim world, even during the last Ottoman Caliphate a few generations before us, the name of the Caliph was mentioned in the sermon. After Salahuddin gained power and influence, he told the Khatib – ‘Don’t mention the name of any Caliph in the sermon.’ He is arranging everything in his own way, preparing the stage. News spread that the name of the Fatimid Caliph was not mentioned in the sermon. The Fatimid caliph died within a week, which resulted in Saladin’s favor. What happened, how Fatimi Caliph died? Probably got sick or something!… The khutba the week after his death mentioned the name of the caliph, but it was the name of the Abbasid caliph. Egypt is now under Sunni rule.
After bringing Egypt under Sunni rule, Salahuddin changed the syllabus and teaching style of Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Al-Azhar was founded to spread Ismaili Shiism. It was from here that Shia Da’is were sent to different parts of the world. What the Ismaili group is seeing in different parts of the world today is propagated by Al-Azhar. And the term ‘Da’i’ that we use also comes from Al-Azhar. Those who preach Islam, call people to Islam, we call them ‘Da’i’. This term is used by the Fatimids, and even to this day the Shia of the Buhra school call their religious leader ‘Da’i al-Mutlaq’. The terms ‘Dawa’ and ‘Da’ee’ have been popularized from there. Not that the term was completely absent in our Sunni tradition, but roughly speaking, Fatemirai popularized the term.
We can also use this term, there is no problem. However, Saladin brought scholars of the Nizamiya school to Egypt. The people of the Nizamiya sect follow a particular sect of Sunni Islam. As a result Al-Azhar came under their charge and Al-Azhar also became the center of that movement. After Al-Azhar’s transformation from Ismaili Shi’ism, the institution still propagates a specific understanding of Ghazali’s Islam. The cycle of Salahuddin’s political rise, the move to make the Ismaili sect Sunni—we see the great politician Salahuddin Ayyubi. Who was successful in every step of his politics.
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Saladın: The Conqueror of JerusalemKudüs Fatihi: Selahaddin Eyyubi

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